Use Of Electronic Signature In Higher Education Industry


The students of 2020 class will graduate never knowing the fact that the world ever existed without smartphones or social media? The universities are expecting the higher education students to be tech-savvy and digitally-oriented. Right from the school admission applications and student loans to assignments and class notes. Even the idea of online degree is in the scenario.

Digitization of the class of 2020 isn’t just an automation, online applications for college admissions are reaching 92% now. This rise of enrolment pattern puts pressure on future students as well as it puts responsibility on admissions department for management and processing of application without any paperwork.

Automation with eSignatures

Thousands of applications still happen over paper-based system, involving administrators to file, send and sign papers regularly. How can Universities and college students improve their way of document submission and signing?

Sigplex’s eSignature solution for higher education delivers consistency in workflows and data processing, especially for tech-savvy individuals. On reduction of physical paper processes, it will significantly reduce the physical documentation error by speeding up the transactions. A win-win situation for both the students and the staff.

Universities require solutions that are user friendly, secured and resourceful for document processing. Sigplex’s eSignaturesmeet requirements of higher education institutes and Universities which includes moving from paper to digital systems.

Efficient Administration

Along with the improvement in document efficiency, Sigplex’s eSignatures solutions will also save huge time and help institutions stay on the competitive edge. Administration Departments can keep a track of all the applications viewed, opened, signed and sent back.

It also allows Universities and Educational departments to keep track of class transfers, and enrollments, student loan applications, financial aid documentation, professor schedules, vacations, and procurement forms. Sigplex’s eSignature solution helps institutes manage students and staff efficiently with digital interface.


Find the complete details of using Electronic Signature in Higher Education Industry

  • Make complex signing processes easier
  • Create Templates from Weekly Plans
  • Organize Admin Teams for Better Collaboration
  • Sign Transcript Request Using Mobile Devices
  • Keep Student Records Secure
  • Create Forms for Gathering Information

Make complex signing processes easier

Allows students to sign financial aid applications easily and quickly along with defining the signing roles.

Create Templates from Weekly Plans

Generate templates from weekly lesson plans and reuse them saving time and efforts. Customize templates to suit any classroom structure.

Organize Admin Teams for Better Collaboration

Invite colleagues and staff members to collaborate as a team for signing and sharing timesheets for faster reports. Share documents directly with the members of your team.

Sign Transcript Request Using Mobile Devices

Sign requests on the go using iOS or Android application from your smartphone. Add signatures and submit request forms from anywhere.

Keep Student Records Secure

Keep student documents and information secure. Use cloud technology for advanced protection and backup to store huge data of student’s records and special needs.

Create Forms for Gathering Information

Make the signing processes of enrolment verification forms easier and accurate using open fields for students to add information. Collect and store all forms in a few simple steps.